The days before menstruation can be challenging, it can happen that you feel: out of phase, irritated, depressed, hungry, tired, sore and so much out of place that you don't know where to turn.

Know that you are not alone, in fact at least 85% of people with vagina experience discomforts related to the menstrual cycle, which occur very often a few days before menstruation.

Many scientists define this type of discomfort as premenstrual syndrome which encompasses all the symptoms that most people experience before menstruation.

Several debates are underway on its real existence, some think it is only a myth, while others are carrying out numerous studies to try to give concrete answers to all those people who are really sick in the premenstrual . 

So let's try to understand together if it exists or not, starting by identifying the symptoms and causes that give rise to these numerous discomforts.

Symptoms of PMS
Why do i have PMS?
Does PMS Really Exist?


The symptoms of PMS are numerous, try to think about your last premenstrual, have you ever experienced emotions such as: mood swings, depression, irritability? On a physical level how did you feel? Have you ever had severe pain in the lower abdomen, head pain, breast pain, physical fatigue and so on?

Think that, if we were to make a list of all the symptoms that most people say they have during this phase, we would come to count at least 150.

The most common symptoms are: anxiety, irritability, crying and depression, palpitations, breast pain and head pain, lack of desire to relate, exhaustion, disturbed sleep, lack of concentration, mood swings, pain in the lower abdomen, lack of appetite, pimples, leg pain, lower back pain, unstoppable craving for sugar, compulsive hunger and we could go on for quite a while.

There is certainly something that escapes us, otherwise it cannot be explained how so many people complain of a series of physical and emotional symptoms.

The symptoms experienced in the premenstrual are so many and for this reason scholars are trying to create a well-defined list to be able to work on . So most of the people who menstruate live the premenstrual phase with so much discomfort, the symptoms we have seen have a strong impact on everyday life and relationships and that is why it is necessary to understand what are the triggered causes.


There are many factors and now we will see the most common ones together, but it is important to specify that all these causes make our hormones not work properly, thus favoring the onset of many discomforts.

One of the most common causes is nutrition , for example a food like sugar has a strong inflammatory action on our body and plays an important role in managing our hormone levels. The consumption of sugar decreases one of the hormones of our menstrual cycle, progesterone which has the important role of modulating pain.

Another cause is stress , not knowing how to manage daily stress is a big problem for our hormones because overloaded by external causes they are unable to keep the right balance to support the menstrual cycle.

Another cause could be too little or too much physical exercise , little physical activity does not allow the body to eliminate toxins and produce substances that gratify our brain, while on the contrary, too intense sports act by inhibiting the hormones of the menstrual cycle, facilitating symptoms of PMS.

So let's say that the most common causes of premenstrual discomforts are a diet rich in sugars, a very stressed life and a lack of attention in choosing the type of physical activity to be particular.


We have seen that our hormones can go haywire due to many causes and we have seen together what are the symptoms that most people experience during the premenstrual phase, so why is the concept not clear when we talk about PMS?

The first time we talked about PMS was in 1980, giving rise to two questions to reflect on, one linked to the fact that the main cause was hormones , the other linked to the fact that a syndrome cannot have so many symptoms . .

The term, premenstrual syndrome, according to some has been misused because it refers to the emotions that a person feels when menstruating, but with a negative meaning as if the cause of these negative emotions were hormones.

According to others, however, it is too complicated to give a name to something that contains so many symptoms.

The truth is that scholars are still working on it. How?

Trying to group the most common symptoms, giving them a precise name, and identifying a period of time in which they appear and in which they disappear.

These studies will allow us to have tools to diagnose PMS, thus helping most people who suffer a lot in the days before menstruation.

What is certain is that the symptoms that many people experience during premenstruation are real, so to have more precise indications in order to combat the symptoms that create discomfort for people who suffer during the premenstrual phase, we still need to have some patience. While waiting, each of us can investigate some of the causes we have highlighted such as: nutrition, stress and physical exercise. Have a good investigation!