THE MENSTRUAL CUP Which one to choose and how to use it
Interestingly, many people who have discovered the menstrual cup report that they have somehow "made peace" with their menstrual cycle.
The menstrual cup is a convenient blood collection device, which allows for so much autonomy that menstruation can coexist peacefully with a swim in the sea, sports training and an important occasion.
How to choose the most suitable cup for you?
Why do you feel like you are losing your menstrual cup?
Why do i leak when i wear the cup?
If we have infections, can I use the menstrual cup?
How to choose the most suitable cup for you?
Choosing the cup that suits us best requires a good knowledge of our body and research on size, shape, material and softness.
The first thing to do is to become aware of our vagina .
I suggest you choose a quiet time and a comfortable place, start by looking at the vulva from the outside and then move towards the inside of the vagina.
How do you feel?
Do you experience a feeling of discomfort?
Do you feel good vaginal lubrication?
After becoming aware of your body, we advise you to be accompanied by a midwife in choosing the most suitable cup.
The figure of the midwife can help you evaluate your pelvic floor , your elasticity and morphology, can support you in identifying the right shape for you and the size with respect to the experiences related to your intimacy.
Generally, menstrual cups have different sizes, which one is right for you can vary if you have had a vaginal birth or not, but it is not the only aspect to consider!
Each vagina has its own experience so each person should choose the cup with which they feel most comfortable.
How to insert the cup?
- There are various ways to insert the cup into the vagina, if you like, you can practice even before the menstrual flow.
Before inserting it, look for the most suitable position for you, sitting on the bidet, in the shower or comfortably lying on the bed.
Hold the cup firmly, the lubrication of the vaginal fluid could make it slippery.
Gently bring it closer to the entrance to the vagina, relax the perineum and push the body of the cup inwards.
Make sure the cup has adhered well to the vaginal walls.
The cup must be folded to be inserted, here are the most common folds: - C-fold, the cup is folded into four parts so that it resembles a C
- clamshell fold which is the one recommended for people who are unfamiliar with their vagina, because it becomes quite small and it is easier to insert it
- 7-shaped and S-shaped folds which are recommended for people who need to insert larger cups.
Why do you feel like you are losing your menstrual cup?
This feeling may be due to the size of the cup which is not for you.
That is why it is important to do a pelvic floor evaluation first.
A pelvic floor that is too relaxed with a small cup will not have the desired effect, that is to contain the menstrual blood and live your daily life in harmony.
Can't remove the cup?
If you are unable to remove the cup, it is because you are in a state of agitation that stiffens your perineal muscles or because you have inserted the cup too high and are struggling to find a grip to remove it.
No fear! Your vagina is not infinite, it has a well-defined space and the cup cannot get lost in the meanders of your vaginal walls.
Breathe, relax and you will see that it will come out without making a fuss, it's just a matter of practice!
Why do i leak when i wear the cup?
Menstrual bleeding while wearing a vaginal cup can be caused by two situations.
The first is an incorrect insertion, it could be that the cup has not adhered well to the vaginal walls and that there is space left that causes menstrual blood loss.
This usually causes discomfort and pain, so take some time to find the right position for the cup inside your vagina.
The second possibility could be that your flow is very abundant and that you need to empty it more often or that you have to implement different strategies, such as, for example, the combined use of cup and washable panties . Once your cup is full, you can take it off and let the absorbent panties continue the blood collection work.
Can i use a menstrual cup if i have infections?
It is generally not recommended to use the cup during vaginal infections because it enables bacteria and viruses to remain in contact with our vaginal flora.
The outflow of menstrual blood also accompanies pathogenic bacteria to the outside, this does not mean that we cure the infection, but it allows us to help the physiological process of eliminating what is not needed by our body.
Another important reason is that when you have an infection, you have pain and discomfort, and inserting the cup may exacerbate the pain.
It's okay to be in line with a conscious choice, but being hurt is never normal!
How to sterilize the cup?
The menstrual cup can be sterilized in both water and microwave.
It is advisable to boil it in water for a few minutes, then dry it and place it in the special dry container.
In the microwave oven, the procedure is similar, place the cup in water and remove it after a few minutes.
A useful piece of information to know is that the menstrual cup should be sterilized at the beginning and end of the menstrual flow and not every time we empty it.
It is advisable to sterilize it often during menstruation if we suspect we have an infection and are unable to use another blood collection device.