Usually the feeling of bloating is due to certain foods  but we can't just blame them. Often even our eating habits such as: the quantities of food or the combinations we make, can make us feel debilitated and fatigued. Furthermore, the sensation of bloating can increase in some phases of the cycle, since there is a correlation between estrogen, progesterone and the intestinal microbiome.  Before going into the list of foods that can help us against intestinal swelling, let's try to analyze the primary physiological and behavioral causes. 

Eating too much
Combination of foods 
Our state of mind
Which foods swell the most?
Foods to reduce or eliminate abdominal bloating


One of the main causes of bloating is eating more than our digestive system can handle. The ability of our stomach to accommodate a certain amount of food is directly proportional to its size. Although the stomach is an organ that can expand, certain volumes can lead to digestive slowdown or saturation, causing bloating during the meal. The foods we ingest cannot be pushed towards the duodenum, the initial part of the intestine, where the actual digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place.


The combination of foods can be a source of bloating because carbohydrates, proteins and fats have different digestive times. Eating too much fat can slow digestion, especially when combined with proteins that need a lot of work on the part of the stomach and intestines to digest. Pairing proteins with saturated fats, such as cheeses and cured meats, can leave us feeling bloated for hours. 


Finally, our eating behavior: eating quickly without chewing in abundance or eating in an altered mental state, can cause abdominal bloating regardless of what we eat. This is because when we are excited or stressed the blood is more directed towards the muscles than towards the intestine, which causes a slowdown.  digestion. Undigested foods ferment, creating breeding ground for bacteria in the microbiome that produce gas and trigger the uncomfortable feeling of bloating. 

The feeling of bloating can be caused both by the air we swallow while chewing, and by the air that is formed by the gases produced by the metabolism of fibers by the microbiome present in our intestine. The more foods are rich in insoluble fiber, the more these gases produced by the microbiome can form. 


  • Beans and lentils have indigestible fibers called oligosaccharides which are used as food by bacteria.
  • Fruits and vegetables such as: cabbage, carrots, plums and apricots contain starches  which can, with a particular association of microbiota, give rise to abdominal gas.
  • Sorbitol can cause abdominal bloating and in general many sweeteners used as an alternative to sugar.
  • Even dairy products, for those who are slightly intolerant, can cause abdominal swelling and in some cases even diarrhea. The latter is caused by the destructuring of lactose by the microbes of the intestine, which draws water and makes the stool liquid.


  1. Yogurt, being full of probiotics, the microorganisms that help us digest fibers correctly, is a good ally if introduced in the correct quantity. In fact, maintaining a balanced microbiota is the basis for avoiding intestinal disorders and swelling.
  2. Ginger because it contains an enzyme that helps in the release effect of the stomach's hydrochloric acid and therefore in digesting proteins better. For example, if you want to eat legumes, cook them with ginger and fennel seeds and everything will be more manageable by magic.
  3. Fennel has molecules such as anethole which has antispasmodic requirements of the smooth muscles of the intestine, therefore it intervenes in regulating the contractions of the intestine which can often be painful.
  4. Potassium from zucchini or potatoes which helps eliminate excess sodium and water from the intestines which can cause abdominal bloating.
  5. Lemon allows with its citric acid to regulate the acidity of the intestine and therefore help in digestion, in addition it regulates the inflammation caused by foods rich in inflammatory agents.
  6. Using avocado as a starter can help reduce hunger and therefore voracity in eating, which could increase swelling. This food is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and is also anti-inflammatory.
  7. Asparagus contains non-aggressive fibers, also providing a stimulus to diuresis and keeping the colon balanced.
  8. Kiwi rich in vitamin C stimulates digestion by avoiding the stagnation of food in the intestine, decreasing the possibility of fermentation.
  9. Papaya and pineapple contain digestive enzymes, it is indeed useful to associate them with meat or fish at the end of a meal to help the digestive system eliminate excess proteins. These fermenting in the colon could inflame it and cause cramps and swelling.

With the correct combination of these foods and above all with the reduction of carbohydrates at dinner and post-meal fruit, you will certainly be able to eliminate that feeling of swelling that bothers some days of the month.